Kilmer Creek Project

Property Owner:
District Of North Vancouver

Civil Engineer:
Binnie Civil

Project Value:

District of North Vancouver

Project Description:

  • Tree removal, clearing and grubbing
  • Excavation of basins in line with the current channel
  • Installation of concrete and steel grillage structures at the basin outlets
  • Installation of abutments for a pedestrian bridge
  • Construction of a permanent access trail to each basin
  • Site restoration

Gregg Patterson

Gregg Patterson became the General Manager of The Beach Club in 1982 and spent 34 glorious years as their GM.

Gregg has been a featured presenter at various club management seminars in North America, South America, Europe and Asia; teaches club management courses at The Business Management Institute and was an Adjunct Professor at Cal Poly University, Pomona for fourteen years.

Gregg also writes for Board Room magazine and is the author of Reflections on the Club Experience, an anthology of essays on club cultures and operations.

In acknowledgement of his efforts as a club management professional, he was named the Club Executive of the Year by the Club Management Association of America in 2015.